Home Fire Sprinkler
Fire Sprinkler Initiative
Recently, there has been a push for home fire sprinkler installations. Fire sprinkler systems are a great way to help protect your family and others you live with from a fire. The Fire Sprinkler Initiative is a program established by the NFPA to help legislation for home fire sprinklers to be passed in communities. The NFPA aims to educate the public about the benefits of sprinkler systems in homes.
Many fire sprinkler coalitions have been established across the United States as a part of the fire sprinkler initiative. These coalitions are working hard to make fire sprinkler installation in one-family and two-family dwellings and townhouses a requirement. Some of these coalitions have been successful. For example, in California it is now required for fire sprinklers to be installed in newly constructed one- and two-family homes across the state. Check with local authorities or fire protection agencies to see if home fire sprinklers are required in your area.
NFPA 13D sets the standard for fire sprinkler installations in homes. When a fire sprinkler system for a home is designed and installed, it must comply with NFPA 13D. This standard requires at least 10 minutes of water from a sprinkler to be applied to a fire when it starts. It also mandates that sprinklers be installed in all living areas. Sprinklers are not required in bathrooms, closets, or garages.
Installations for Newly Constructed Homes
If you are building a new home and are considering installing a fire sprinkler system, do not wait. Installing fire sprinklers in a home while it is still under construction will be a lot less disruptive to your home and less expensive. It will also give you peace of mind that your home is already protected from a fire from the moment you move in. Advances in materials used for home fire sprinkler systems have made the installation process both easy and cost effective.
Fire Sprinkler System Retrofit
Retrofitting a fire sprinkler system into your finished home is a little more complicated than installing sprinklers in a home under construction. However, it is very important to have fire sprinklers in your home, so retrofitting is a great option. If you are planning to renovate your house, you may want to consider installing a sprinkler system as a part of your home renovations. Fire sprinkler systems can be designed to fit the needs and aesthetics of your home. Many home fire sprinkler retrofits can be done while minimizing the amount of disruption done to your home.
WSFP Installs Home Fire Sprinklers
Western States Fire Protection can install fire sprinklers in your home. Learn more. We have 40 locations in the western half of the United States to better serve you. Our team of technicians will design a fire sprinkler system that fits the needs of your home and complies with both NFPA and local standards. We will make the installation process as easy as possible by working with you from the beginning to the end of the project. After installation, we will test your fire sprinkler system and give you training on how your system works. For more information on installing home fire sprinklers, contact us today.